
Lobstah机器人 机器人 Team Nets Honors at New England District Championships

bbin娱乐平台的机器人团队, Lobstah机器人, participated in the FIRST 机器人 New England District Championships in Springfield, 2024年4月初获得硕士学位. Although the team fell short of qualifying for the world championships, it performed at a high level on the field: on the final day of competition, Lobstah机器人 won the FIRST Innovation […]

Research Highlight: Finn McMillan ’24

他的毕业论文, bbin娱乐平台 senior Finn McMillan ‘24 is working in partnership with 波士顿大学’s Daniel Segrè Lab to investigate the optimization of plant growth for the sustainable and affordable production of consumer biofuels.  Finn was first introduced to the Segrè lab when he toured it as part of the 阀杆 Seminar in his […]

Dora Mou ’27 Wins New York Times Essay Contest

Ninth-grader Dora Mou ’27’s 文章, 我的两种原始冲动,” was selected as one of 15 winners of the New York Times’ 2nd annual Teen Tiny Memoirs contest. Teen Tiny Memoirs are 100-word narratives by teenagers about meaningful moments in their lives. 点击这里阅读朵拉的获奖文章. Congratulations, Dora, on your fantastic 文章 and this incredible accomplishment!

Research Highlight: Robbie Mulroy ’24

bbin娱乐平台 senior Robbie Mulroy’s 论文 project has the potential to impact the future of 癌症研究. 他的毕业论文, Robbie ’24 is investigating the role of the CREB binding protein (CBP) in cancer under the guidance of BU Biology Professor Dr. Trevor Siggers as well as bbin娱乐平台 Biology Teacher Dr. 科琳·克里瓦切克,她[…]

bbin娱乐平台 Launches Demystifying Independent Schools Podcast

波士顿大学学院 is proud to share our first foray into the world of 播客ing!  The Demystifying Independent Schools Podcast debunks common misconceptions about 私立学校 – for example, that 私立学校 are not diverse, and that only the wealthy can afford an independent school education – and shares why 私立学校 are more affordable […]